The Future of District Lodge 19

The recent election within District Lodge 19 has ignited profound concern among our members. According to the latest dues payer sheet, our membership count for March stood at 7,213. Astonishingly, only 1,634 members participated in the election of our president and recording secretary. This participation rate constitutes a mere 22.65 percent of the membership—a shockingly…

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Negotiations Update!

Greetings, Please see the attached press release with an update from the Coordinated Bargaining Coalition (CBC) and where our group stands now.  Also, the latest round of negotiations was this past week, and enclosed is a hyperlink below of the CBC’s last proposal for your reference. httpss:// Final CBC Press Release Advising of Impasse NMB…

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RRB Disibility Training

05-11-2018 – District 19 Trains RRB Disibility Examiners Railroad Retirement Board Disability Examiner Training  Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Labor Member of the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) requested District Lodge 19 to develop a Power Point Presentation of the work and tasks that Railroad Machinists do in the performance of their duties. This was an effort to…

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Members are the Union!

 Union members need to realize across ALL crafts, that “We are the Union” and not our leaders. Those men and women were elected to represent our best interest. When the membership feels that the leadership has failed, then by all means, we must take action. Appalachian Union members are taking action on their own. The strike…

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Latest National Agreement Proposal

Gentlemen,   Please find attached a copy of the latest proposal that the carrier’s gave to our coalition. This is not something that we intend to put out for ratification. It is just to show you where we’re at in negotiations at this point. I see there is a long way to go. Further updates…

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National negotiations between the freight railroads in national negotiations and the IAM Coalition remain stalled, hostage to the carriers’ unremitting demands for major concessionary changes to the healthcare plan. Negotiations began in January of 2015.  IAM invoked mediation in October 2015.  The parties have met regularly since then under the auspices of the National Mediation…

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