Current Agreements

 View an agreement by clicking below to download the pdf(s)


CSXT Master Agreement 1994Working Agreement-1994.pdf (487 KB)

CSXT Master Agreement 2012IAM_CBA_Oct_31_2012.pdf (659 KB)

CSXT Student Machinist StudentMechanic16M-060-99.PDF (570 KB)

CSXT New Hire Agreement REDI Center New Hire Training-IAM&AW.pdf (69 KB)

CSXT Roadway Mechanic’s Agreement CSXTLaborAgreementNo.12-126-92IAM-BMWE-SMWIA.pdf

CSXT Attendance PolicyAttendance package.pdf (57 KB)

CSXT IDPAP Discipline PolicyIDPAP.pdf (248 KB) 

CSXT Labor Agreement 16-002-17 – 2018 Huntington Agreement

CSXT Paid Sick Days – Machinists-Paid-Sick-Time 

CSXT Flexibility Agreement – Signed IAM Work Flexibility Agreements 05.30.2024_compressed

National Freight Agreement 2019 – Nationa Freight Agreement

National Arbitrated Freight Agreement 2015 – National Arbitrated agreement

National Freight Agreement 2011 –  IAM 2011 Agreement_2011.pdf (82 KB)

National Freight Agreement 2008 – IAM Tentative Agreement-final August 2008.pdf (74 KB)

National Vacation Agreement – vacation agmt 1941-02122013112341.pdf (3.2 MB)