A Flexibility Agreement Between CSX and IAM Benefits Members

A flexibility agreement between CSX and the International Association of Machinists (IAM) offers several significant advantages for members. This agreement introduces three key provisions: voluntary temporary transfers, a 4/10 workweek, and discussions regarding simple tasks. Additionally, machinists gain paid work boots through the amendment of the sick leave agreement, providing essential support for safety and…

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Seizing the Moment: Why Organizing Workforces is Essential and Beneficial

There has never been more appropriate a time to organize workforces. It is imperative that workers have a united voice in this era of economic upheaval and widening inequality. There are several advantages to organizing a workforce, including better pay and working conditions, job stability, and a bigger say in decisions. It gives employees greater…

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Strike Manual

The deadline for President Joe Biden to intervene and keep 115,000 railroad workers from going on strike and disrupting deliveries of cars, crops, containers of imported goods, and countless other products and raw materials is looming. July 18th at 12:01 am to be exact. Biden is widely expected to name a board of arbitrators to…

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Negotiations Update!

Greetings, Please see the attached press release with an update from the Coordinated Bargaining Coalition (CBC) and where our group stands now.  Also, the latest round of negotiations was this past week, and enclosed is a hyperlink below of the CBC’s last proposal for your reference. httpss://tcunion.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/CBC-Proposal.pdf Final CBC Press Release Advising of Impasse NMB…

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Update on Vaccine Mandate

Greetings,   Please find attached a letter on the D19 Vaccine Message for the mandated Vaccine.   Also attached is a letter explaining the process in challenging an exemption that has been denied or the accommodations are unreasonable or unacceptable to the member. On the D19 Challenge Accommodations:  Any Challenge to an exemption must be filed with…

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CSX Data Security Incident

Members, The below story was published on 3-16-2021 concerning the recent data breach with company and employee information. If you have received any suspicious emails, please contact the number below and protect your personal information.    Fellow Railroaders, As communicated to you on March 2, we recently learned that a data security incident occurred due…

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