The Corner Office
President, J. Michael Perry
With great sadness, I’d like to notify District Lodge 19 members, that President/Directing General Chairman John Lacey, has submitted his letter notifying us of his wishes to retire on December 31, 2018.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Brother John for stepping up and taking on the responsibilities of the office, as the President/Directing General Chairman when he was called upon during such a difficult time.
Brother John began his railroad career in 1976 working in the Power House for Conrail in Greenwich, Connecticut for three years. After that he started working as a Machinist in 1979. Brother John served his Local Lodge members as a Committeemen, Vice-President, President and Local Chairman. In 1994, he was a student in the very first District Lodge 19 Local Chairman Class.
In 2004, Retired President/Directing General Chairman Robert (Bob) Reynolds appointed Brother John to the position of General Chairman. Brother John rose to the position of Assistant President/Directing General Chairman in July 2013, directing the everyday operations of the District. Brother John became the Acting President/Directing General Chairman in June 2016, then President/Directing General Chairman in February 2017.
John served this District well in all aspects of the offices he held. As you know, Brother John has gone through a year of health issues. He did his best to handle his illness along with his duties as the P/DGC, but in July of this year he had to make the difficult decision to go on medical leave. I am glad to inform you that Brother John is doing extremely well and will make a full recovery.
Personally, I know Brother John to be compassionate, caring, dedicated and overall a very funny person. As a leader, Brother John was member focused, intelligent, strong and a passionate President/Directing General Chairman. After forty-two (42) years of Union and railroad service he has earned this well-deserved retirement.
Brother John, from me, all the Staff of District Lodge 19 and with confidence, all the members of District Lodge 19, we thank you for your service and wish you, and your wife, Julie, a very long, healthy and happy retirement. We look forward to seeing you again, as a retiree, at future District 19 functions.
In Solidarity and Fraternally yours,
Mike Perry