Update on PEB 250 proposal for ratification of a new agreement! Attached are links to the information you can use to make a decision regarding the proposed tentative agreement that is coming out in the next few days. Similar to how the previous strike vote was conducted, the District will use an electronic voting system. Please get in touch with your local chairman if you didn’t receive the information you needed to vote. NO ONE will instruct you on how to cast a ballot. Although the District is urging for ratification, you, the membership, can decide what is best for you. I would like you to look at the facts and remove emotion from the situation. You may or may not see a change, but you will be able to think clearly. We need to vote rationally, not out of resentment for the Carriers, even though we are all pissed off with them.
Letter to Rail Division 8-29-22
Wage Increase and Estimated Health Cost Increase